Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friendships can be harder to maintain that Love Relationships

  In life, we have so many choices. Often the choices that we make in life can either be uplifting or  disluminating. I've never been the type of person who likes to denigrate anyone. It's for this very reason, that I've realized that I was in a "Toxic Friendship", (PositivelyStar.blogspot.com). One that was serving no purpose but to weigh me down.
  We must all take a moment to see what relationship that we are in, that is abusive, mentally,emotionally and/or physically. This will definitely be discussed at a later day, in a lengthier post,as Domestic Violence, holds a deep,special place in my heart. Upon a nasty email (from this so- called friend) and much soul searching within myself, I ended it after 22 years.
  I, chose, to acknowledge and embrace those who have always been elevating. I believe that it doesn't matter how long you know a person, when two people share common interests, God will bond you and what God has put together, let no man part. This is true for friendships as with partnerships,personal and professional. How can a person pursue either without friendship,first? So this can also be true for relationships that are friendships.
 I received a beautiful Word of the Day from my Aunt Dee Dee, that I want to share with you, prior to me sharing my letter to my friends. I will not push nor deny my Spirituality to you however, when I find a scripture that is smoothing,inspirational and relevant, I will post it. Thank you, Aunt Dee Dee.
Tuesday, October 13

Who Is in Your Corner?
Today’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 1; Proverbs 12:26
Key Verse: Proverbs 12:26

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray.

What kind of people do you need in your corner in the battle of faith? You need to associate with people who build up your faith and increase your confidence and dependence on God. I am not talking about “nice guys” or “nice girls.” I am talking about the kind of people who will make a conscious effort to encourage you. If your friends and associates do not make a conscious effort to build you up, then they will end up wearing you down.

Picture yourself as a prizefighter about to enter the ring and fight with the devil to get the Word of God out. When you go back to your corner, who is waiting with towel in hand, ready to give you water?

As the battle for the Word wears on, you will need associates in your corner who will rub your shoulders and boost you to victory. “You are the man God chose! Keep going—you can do it. You prepared for this day, and no man or devil can stop you from fulfilling God’s will. Come on, get up again and go get him. Make him wish he had never tried to hinder this work of God. You were born for such a day as this, so do not hold back. Go for the knockout!”

Everyone needs the support and counsel of trusted friends and associates. It is your God-given protection from the enemy and even from yourself!

Good friends will tell you the truth, not just what you want to hear. Nathan was one of David’s truest friends, and he told David the truth even though David was a king and a feared warrior. Do you have a Nathan, a Paul, a Barnabas, or a John in your corner? Ask God for godly friends and counselors and He will answer your prayer. It is in perfect alignment with His will for your life.

My Letter:
Sometimes, in Life you have to stop and evaluate the Friendships that you have built. Some friendships are the kind that you can compare to a good blanket, always there to keep you warm and covered. Never asking for much but always there. Then there are some friendships that are like an old pair of shoes, you know that you should throw them away but can't because they have been with you for a while. However, they have soles that need to be replaced, too tight and you can't polish them because they don't make that same color of shoe polish. You move them with you, throw them in the back of your closet, put them in the attic and then have to move them to the basement.

When you go to finally start throwing away things that are no longer of value to you: you sit and really assess the value of them. When you get to the part where the shoes have always hurt your feet and that by keeping them, it's only harmful to you (maybe possibly even your health) You take that DEEP SIGH. You walk the shoes over to the garbage can,they can't even be recycled,toss them and close the lid.

I've had to just recently do this with what I mistook for a "Friendship" after more than 22 years. Friendship isn't always easy and shouldn't be about constantly taking,superiority or jealously. It should be a bond out of Mutual Respect (thxs, Nikki), Disagreements to break up and make up (thxs,Kisha) , Ride or Die (Thxs,Puddin*both of you*) and just true LOVE( thxs, Nikki, Kisha, Italia,Aungie,Tameka,Bunny,Tonya).

We ALL, have a lot of friends and acquaintances in our lives. We have family members,who are friends (Sunshine,Aisha,Alea,Tonya,Gena,Keshia,Kelly) and friends who are family members(My Sistahs). It's the people who are receiving this email, that I say to GOD/ALLAH every morning "Thank You".

SimplyCeruti- The Best things in Life are Simple!
"Learning is either a continuing thing or it is nothing."-Frank Tyger

So you must evaluate what is more important to you, the toxic friendship or your peace of mind!

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